Manual / File Menu

New Lease/Deal: Will ask for the Date and Bank Name and start the input routine to scroll through the worksheet.

Clear Deal: Will clear all variables from the current transaction without deleting the file.

Open: Opens the Recall module so you can choose the name you wish to load.

Save: Opens the store module so you can save the Name.

Quicksave: Saves the Name without having to go through the file selection procedure and adds it to the working files directory.

Last Deal: Brings back the last transaction you calculated a payment in. This is a good crash recovery tool, it also retrieves the last calculated deal from another computer in the network.

Defaults: Enters the Defaults Settings Sub menu

Default Printer: Sets the main Windows Default Printer.

Default Fax: Sets the Fax printer driver to be used by the program.

Defaults Module: Main Dealer Defaults, Rates Taxes and lender specs.

Form Maker: This will load the Form maker so you can create or edit your own contracts.

Edit MTD File: Edit the Month To Date Files which contain the transaction name, Date and Stock Number.

Image Files Set up: This will set up the directories and filenames used for the imaging filing system.

Set Viewer Program: Here you select the program used for imaging.

Set Sold Location: Here you select the drive and directory you will use to store your image SOLD files.

Set Working Location: Here you select the drive and directory you will use to store your image WORKING files.

Store M.T.D.: This will open the MTD files and let you add a new one , then it will help you store your customer in the Sold directory.

You should store files in chronological order and it would be convenient to keep the last four digits of the Deal or stock numbers consecutive.

Options Menu
This Menu is a Sub menu of the Other Menu, it provides a way to alter the Tax collection on a lease without changing the advanced defaults module.
Any selection would affect the current transaction only.

Tax up front                              = Collects the sales tax up front

Tax Up front but rolled int      =New York option

Tax on payment                       = Collects the Use Tax on each payment.

Tax Cap Red. = Some States do not charge tax on trade in values, if you use any equity in the Cap reduction you may benefit from this feature.


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